Blocks 16 & 18 of East 11th STREET

Completing the vision to develop a vibrant, mixed-use gateway between East Austin and downtown.

Project Updates

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7/18/24: City of Austin approves developer selection, UrbanRenewal Board recommendation. Next steps announced soon.
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Meet the Pleasant Hill Collaborative: Learn more about their Blocks 16 & 18 proposal at the link below.
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Project intro

A vibrant, mixed-use project at the heart of Austin’s African American Cultural Heritage District

Development of Blocks 16 and 18 has been under discussion since 1999. Rally Austin, on behalf of the Urban Renewal Board of the City of Austin, initiated this long-awaited project by connecting key stakeholders through an intensive community engagement process and site feasibility analysis to initiate a development plan that prioritizes building thriving small businesses, cultural anchors and affordable housing that reinforce the district’s identity and heritage. The development of these blocks will complement surrounding neighborhoods within the historic Six Square District.

Rally Austin initiated a two-phase Request for Proposal process in August 2023, which concluded in April 2024. The evaluation committee reviewed both phases of the RFP and considered community input from stakeholder engagement between the phases and during the second phase to assure that the developer’s proposals aligned with the vision and goals. The final evaluation period culminated in a developer recommendation to City Council by the Urban Renewal Board, and ultimately an approval by City Council in July 2024. The selected development team will be proceeding with updated design and planning for the development of the site during 2025. Construction is anticipated to be complete before 2028.


July 18, 2024 — Selection & Council Approval

Austin City Council authorized the Urban Renewal Agency to negotiate an exclusive agreement with the Pleasant Hill Collaborative for a mixed-use development, including affordable housing and other community benefits. The announcement followed the Urban Renewal Board’s selection of the development team in June 2024.

Read the Press Release

April 5, 2024, to June 16, 2024: RFP Phase 2 Evaluation Period

Culminating in the Urban Renewal Board selection of Developer team of Pleasant Hill Collaborative

March 18, 2024 —Public Presentations

The advancing development teams showcased their respective proposals, reflecting the progress and refinements made since Phase 1.

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January 22, 2024 — RFP Phase 1 Completes, RFP Phase 2 Launches on February 15, 2024

Following the conclusion of RFP Phase 1, RallyAustin and the Urban Renewal Agency advanced two development teams to the Phase2 process. Phase 2 focused on financial proposals as well as project execution strategies.

Visit The RFP Project Website

August 22, 2023 — RFP Phase 1 Launch

The RFP represented a landmark opportunity for developers to facilitate the implementation of a vibrant, mixed-use development supporting creative arts and cultural heritage. Phase 1 focused on team composition, the development program and vision.

Access the RFP

August2022 - July 2023 — Community Outreach & Pre-Development

Rally Austin and the Urban Renewal Board hosted a number of community conversations, open houses and project update meetings to facilitate community input.

Access Predevelopment Materials

Development Priorities

The Development will demonstrate best practice to achieve an inclusive and vibrant district user experience, anchored in the cultural identity of this place. This project must reinforce the historic legacy of this area to African Americans (residents, businesses, and community institutions) while creating a contemporary and vibrant arts/culture/business and living hub that is open to all Austinites.

The Development will achieve best practice inequitable development strategies by addressing past inequities experienced by underserved, under-represented, and marginalized individuals and groups in all aspects of bringing development of these important blocks to fruition, including focusing on strategies to help provide wealth creation and long-term affordable tenancy.

 The Development will promote neighborhood retention and prevent displacement by reducing exposure for small businesses, cultural entities and residential renters to market rate rent increases and other related operating and administrative expenses.

Perspectives on the Past: East Austin

Hear from the Rally Austin team and some of our key project stakeholders about the history of Blocks 16 & 18, why this development is important to East Austin, and Rally Austin’s vision for the district’s future.

Our Contributors

We couldn’t achieve our mission without the help of numerous partners and contributors. These organizations share our vision of a culturally resilient and economically integrated Austin.