The Austin Economic Development Corporation is now Rally Austin! Read More.

Stewarding real estate assets for inclusive community benefits and equitable economic outcomes in Austin

Rally challenges traditional growth and development by championing and centering local communities in our pursuit of a culturally resilient and economically integrated Austin. Our call to action is to serve for purpose instead of profit, infusing real estate development with trust, integrity and strategic collaboration. We work with government partners, private real estate developers, local businesses and other stakeholders to provide community and economic benefits through development.

Development for Purpose.
Join our Rally.

As a real estate nonprofit formed to facilitate development projects that foster equitable and inclusive economic growth, Rally Austin is uniquely suited to cultivate public-private partnerships and undertaking real estate projects that prioritize affordability, equity, inclusion and economic growth for Austin communities. Over the next five years, Rally will focus its work to build an Austin that supports and reflects our community’s needs, uniting and driving progress across three critical areas of development:

Rally for Complete Communities
Brick apartment building next to a busy street

Development of complete communities that improve quality of life for Austinites, including affordable housing, improved transportation, mixed-use and creative spaces, access to thriving small businesses and support services like child care. This subset of projects prioritizes the growth and development of marginalized or underserved communities throughout Austin, including our active work on Blocks 16 and 18 of East 11th Street as part of the development of the African American Cultural Heritage District.

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Rally for Arts, Music & Culture
Collage of arts, music, and culture images

Continued cultivation of Austin’s cultural and creative identity through initiatives like the Austin Cultural Trust and Iconic Venue Fund, aiming to provide affordable spaces for artists and create new spaces for creative and cultural use. This area of focus has led to the successful negotiation of a new 20-year lease for The Hole in the Wall—a beloved music venue that has served the UT area since the early 1970s—and the securement of Texas Historical Landmark status for The Broken Spoke, a nationally recognized dance hall and music venue.

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Rally for Catalytic Development
Rally for Catalytic Development

Large-scale infrastructure and accessibility projects with major economic and community benefits to neighborhoods across Austin. By leveraging creative partnerships, adopting collaborative deal structuring and involving surrounding communities in development initiatives, we foster catalytic development projects that ensure Austin’s sustainable growth and deliver clear economic benefits to the community.

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Our Board

Rally’s board of directors represents institutions and agencies that serve Austin and contribute to a holistic, collaborative, equitable and inclusive vision for economic and community development.

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Austin Downtown Alliance Logo
Austin Community College Logo
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Austin Up Logo
Austin Logo
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United Way Logo
University of Texas Logo