The Austin Economic Development Corporation is now Rally Austin! Read More.


Arts, Music & Culture

Continuing to cultivate Austin’s cultural and creative identity through initiatives like the Austin Cultural Trust and Iconic Venue Fund, which aim to provide affordable spaces for artists and create new spaces for creative and cultural use.

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Project INFO

Current & Prospective Projects

Our Rally for Arts, Music & Culture seeks to cultivate Austin’s soul and identity through real estate development projects that retain and create spaces that amplify our shared sense of acceptance and belonging. This area of focus has led to the successful negotiation of a new 20-year lease for The Hole in the Wall—a beloved music venue that has served the UT area since the early 1970s—and the securement of Texas Historical Landmark status for The Broken Spoke, a nationally recognized dance hall and music venue.

Project Timeline

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“Austin Community Foundation seeks causes that strengthen Central Texas. Rally Austin’s many successes through the Austin Cultural Trust have proven they stand for a similar vision: equitable communities where everyone can access opportunities. We can’t wait to see what they do next and encourage others to get involved with this critical work to cultivate creative and cultural spaces throughout Austin.”
Mike Nellis, CEO of Austin Community Foundation

Arts, Music & Culture

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